Copy Certification

Copy certification, also known as a certified copy, is a process by which a notary public verifies that a photocopy of an original document is a true, accurate, and complete reproduction of the original. This service is often required when individuals need to provide copies of important documents, such as birth certificates, passports, academic transcripts, or legal documents, to institutions or agencies that require assurance of their authenticity. By certifying a copy, the notary public attests that they have compared the copy to the original and that it is an exact duplicate, thus preventing any alterations or fraud.

The process of certifying copies involves several steps. First, the original document and the copy must be presented to the notary public. The notary carefully examines the original document for authenticity and completeness. After verifying the original, the notary compares it with the copy to ensure that it is an exact match, with no missing or altered information. Once the notary is satisfied that the copy is accurate, they will complete a certification statement, often affixed to the copy itself, and apply their official seal or stamp. This certification typically includes the notary's signature, the date, and a statement confirming that the copy is true and complete. Certified copies provide a reliable way to share important documents while maintaining their integrity and preventing fraud.